New Political Challenges for Germany, Türkiye and the EU
The 8th joint conference "New Political Challenges for Germany, Turkey and the EU" of the University of Cologne and the Turkish-German University welcomes all those interested.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan's book titled " Cânibî Ali Pasha. Last Ottoman Ambassador to Habsburg Vienna (1740-1741)" was published.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan's book titled " Cânibî Ali Pasha. Last Ottoman Ambassador to Habsburg Vienna (1740-1741)" was published. The book introduction and access link can be found below.
The book "External Interference in Elections", co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes Bayraklı and Dr. Ayhan Sarı and edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes Bayraklı, was published.
The book "External Interference in Elections", co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes Bayraklı and Dr. Ayhan Sarı and edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes Bayraklı, was published. You can access the book via the link.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan published the article entitled " The Beşaret-name sent to Austria with Halil Efendi announcing Osman III’s Accession to the Throne and the Envoy’s Vienna Days According to the Contemporary German Press".
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan published the article entitled " The Beşaret-name sent to Austria with Halil Efendi announcing Osman III’s Accession to the Throne and the Envoy’s Vienna Days According to the Contemporary German Press" in the 82th issue of Turkish Journal of History, which is indexed by Scopus, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Index.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan has been appointed as a Member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies (JCES)
Member of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan, has been apppointed as a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies (JCES), one of the leading SSCI-indexed journals in the field of "European Studies".
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “Participation of Athletes Who Are Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in International Competitions in Terms of Internatıonal Law”.
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “Participation of Athletes Who Are Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in International Competitions in Terms of Internatıonal Law”. The relevant article was published in Inonu University Law Review, (Volume 14 / Issue 2).
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “The Legal Nature of the International Call for Humanitarian Aid and the Earthquake of 6th February from the Perspective of International Law”.
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “The Legal Nature of the International Call for Humanitarian Aid and the Earthquake of 6th February from the Perspective of International Law”. The relevant article was published in Ankara Bar Association Journal, (Volume 81 / special issue).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan Participated in the "Re-Thinking EU Enlargement" Jean Monnet Workshop at the University of Amsterdam
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan Participated in the "Re-Thinking EU Enlargement" Jean Monnet Workshop at the University of Amsterdam Associate Professor Ebru Turhan, faculty member of our department, participated in the "Re-Thinking EU Enlargement" Jean Monnet Workshop organized by the Center for European Studies (ACES) of the University of Amsterdam on December 1, 2023. She presented her paper titled "The Retur of Geopolitics in EU Enlargement and the Rise of Turkey's Exclusion from Accession Scenarios: Solving the Puzzle".
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan published the article entitled "Prophecy of Victory against the Turks or Propaganda: The Writings of the German Humanist Sebastian Brant to Instigate Emperor Maximilian I into War (1494-1501)"
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan published the article entitled "Prophecy of Victory against the Turks or Propaganda: The Writings of the German Humanist Sebastian Brant to Instigate Emperor Maximilian I into War (1494-1501)" in the 310th issue of Belleten Magazine, which is indexed by Arts & Humanities Citation Index- AHCI (Clarivate Analytics), America: History and Life, Historical Abstracts, Scopus (Elsevier) and ULAKBIM TR Dizin.
Assoc. Dr. Enes BAYRAKLI will take part as a Moderator at the Turkish-Greek Media & Academy Forum on October 19.
Assoc. Dr. Enes BAYRAKLI will be taking part in the Turkish-Greek Media & Academy Forum as a Moderator on October 19.
On Monday, October 23, an event will be organized along with the "Introduction to Comparative Politics" lecture, which will be held with Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Alptekin.
On Monday, October 23, an event will be organized along with the "Introduction to Comparative Politics" lecture, which will be held with Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Alptekin.
Assoc. Dr. Ebru Turhan's co-authored article is published open access in 'JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies'
Assoc. Dr. Ebru Turhan has published together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm (Bahcesehir University) an open access article titled “Capturing Women's Standpoint in EU–Turkey Studies: The Evolution of Gendered Publication and Citation Patterns", in JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies (SSCI, Q1), one of the leading journals in the field of European Studies.
Our university students are at the University of Cologne as part of the summer school.
Our university students are at Cologne University as part of the summer school held between 18-24 June.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan published the article entitled "A Mirror or an Imitation of Power: Areas of Influence emphasized by the Prussian King Frederick the Great in his Letters to the Ottoman Empire".
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan's article ""A Mirror or an Imitation of Power: Areas of Influence emphasized by the Prussian King Frederick the Great in his Letters to the Ottoman Empire" is published in the 61st issue of Ottoman Studies / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, which is scanned by the Arts and Humanities Citation Index-AHCI (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier).
Program BA - Summer School 2023 Has Been Published
The program information of the summer school, which will be held in Cologne with our undergraduate students between 18-24 June, has been published. The program includes many activities such as cultural city tours, visits to the municipality, consulate and parliament.
Assoc. Prof. Enes Bayraklı, together with PhD. Lecturer Esra Sağlam, edited the book entitled "Institutional Racism in Germany and the NSU Terrorist Organization".
Assoc. Prof. Enes Bayraklı, together with PhD. Lecturer Esra Sağlam (Ankara Hacı Bayram University), edited the book entitled "Institutional Racism in Germany and the NSU Terrorist Organization". In the book, important issues such as far-right movements in Europe, racism in Germany, Islamophobia, the NSU terrorist organization and its murders are handled by different academics.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan will present his paper titled "Concerning the Residence of Habsburg Envoys in Galata/Pera" at the 9th Ottoman Istanbul International Sympozyum to be held on May 23.
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Onur Ercan will present his paper titled "Concerning the Residence of Habsburg Envoys in Galata/Pera" at the 9th Ottoman Istanbul International Sympozyum to be held on May 23.
Ebru Turhan published together with Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm the Open Access Article “In Search of Epistemic Justice in the EU’s Periphery: A Research Synthesis of EU-Turkey Studies” in the JCER Special Issue
The article co-authored by Assoc Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm (Bahçeşehir University) and titled “In Search of Epistemic Justice in the EU’s Periphery: A Research Synthesis of EU-Turkey Studies” is published in the Journal of Contemporary European Research as open access. The article is part of the Special Issue “Teaching and Learning ‘Europe’ in ‘the Periphery’: Disciplinary, Educational and Cognitive Boundaries of European Studies” Özel Sayısı’nda (Başak Alpan ve Thomas Diez, Eds.).
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “A Brief Analysis of the Grain Corridor Agreement in Terms of International Law”.
Research Assistant Ozan Emin Halhallı, together with Associate Professor Tolga Candan, authored the article entitled “A Brief Analysis of the Grain Corridor Agreement in Terms of International Law”. The relevant article was published in Ankara Bar Association Journal.
The Book Section of Dr. Dominic Heinz and his previous colleagues Ian Stafford and Alistair Cole has been published.
Still originating from the previous professional affiliation of Dr. Dominic Heinz at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom a book section has been published. Along with the previous book of Dr. Dominic Heinz and his former colleagues Ian Stafford and Alistair Cole also this book section appears for the publisher 'Policy Press' and deals with the aspect of Trust in Multı-Level Governance