Vocational Education

Vocational Education in Business Administration is a program incorporated into the curriculum of relevant undergraduate programs at the Turkish-German University. It allows undergraduate students to enhance their professional skills and experiences by engaging in practical training in public institutions, private organizations, and businesses, as specified in the curriculum of their respective programs. Through this initiative, students are expected to spend the final semester of their undergraduate education gaining practical experience in businesses with which our university has collaboration protocols, thereby bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

The aim of Vocational Education in Business Administration is to provide undergraduate students with:

a) Practical skills based on the knowledge acquired during their education,
b) Close familiarity with the working fields of the relevant program, enhancing the gained knowledge and skills through practical applications to increase business experience during the education period,
c) Problem-solving skills,
d) The habit of working in harmony with business personnel, fostering teamwork, and developing effective communication skills,
e) Introduction to technological developments in the industry,
f) Preparation for the professional life and assistance in minimizing the adaptation period.