Political Science Internship

The curriculum of the Bachelor's degree program in Political Science and International Relations provides for an elective internship. The aim of the internship is to give students the opportunity to gain experience by applying the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies in private companies or public organizations. The elective internship can be chosen by students after completing the sixth semester. Internships are planned and carried out in the weekly course schedule in the time period when there is no obligation related to courses and exams and not less than 3 days per week.The duration of the internship is 40 working days.

Supervisor of the internship: Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Tacettin Kutay
Internship committee:           Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Soytürk
                                              Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Tacettin Kutay
                                              Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Sarı
Internship assistant:              Res. Assist. Ozan Emin Halhallı

Political Science and International Relations Internship Directive

Process table

Declaration and Commitment (with GSS)

Declaration and Commitment (Non-GSS)

Internship Student Scorecard

Draft Internship Report

Workplace Evaluation Form

Internship Application Form

Internship Evaluation Form

Intern Student Evaluation Form