International prize 'VIADUCT Teaching Award' Asst. Prof. Dr. Awarded to Ebru Turhan
Assistant Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan, Member of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, received the 'VIADUCT Teaching Award' for her Jean Monnet Module INSITER-Inside the Turkey-EU Relations and her research on EU/EU-Turkey Relations 2020. The International Prize was awarded by the Executive Board of the VIADUCT Jean Monnet Network - “Enhancing Visibility of Academic Dialogue on EU-Turkey Cooperation”. The network is supported by the European Commission and includes around 40 leading universities in Europe.
The opening speech at the VIADUCT award ceremony on October 23, 2020 was given by Dr. Julie Smith (Cambridge University). She emphasized not only the module's contribution to the research and teaching agenda, but also its bridging function between junior and senior academics. At the award ceremony, it was emphasized that the Jean Monnet Module INSITER ( is the first Jean Monnet module of the Turkish-German University.